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computational linguistics 【語言】(用)計算機(進行研究的)語言學。


The 25 presentations were organised into 7 sessions . they included papers on corpus - based and statistics - based studies on various synchronic and diachronic aspects of the chinese language through the perspectives of “ gramma “ , sociology , political science and cognition , chinese database design and encoding issues , and chinese computational linguistics . there were also papers involving japanese and thai 會議分七節舉行,共宣讀文章二十五篇,內容涉及各種共時及歷時,基于語料庫的和基于統計的理論語言學、社會語言學、政治學、語言認知等學術領域,以及中文語料庫設計及漢字顯示、漢語計算語言學等。

From linguistics , cognitive psychology and computational linguistics , we searched the base of theory of key phrases ' advantage , defined key phrases , and acquired them by extracting key words labeled by specialist in web pages 本文從語言學、認知心理學和言語習得、計算語言學等方面尋求關鍵短語優勢的理論依據,對關鍵短語進行了界定,通過抽取網頁上專家標引的關鍵詞獲得關鍵短語。

Let ' s face it : there ' s no such thing as “ pure “ text , and if there were , we probably wouldn ' t care about it ( with the possible exception of applications in the field of computational linguistics , where pure text may indeed be studied for its own sake ) 來看看吧:原本沒有什么“純”文本,如果有的話可能我們業不會關心它(除了在計算機語義學的學術研究中卻有純文本其實) 。

Computational linguistics : is an interdisciplinary field which centers around the use of computers to process or produce human language ( also known as “ natural language ” , to distinguish is from computer languages ) 計算語言學是一跨學科的領域,它以計算機處理和產生人類語言(即自然語言,與計算機語言相區別)這一應用為中心。

In 1994 , a harvard researcher in computational linguistics complained publicly that loebner ' s prize encourages scientists to fake human behavior using cheap tricks instead of “ true “ ai 1994年,一位哈佛的計算語言學研究員公開抱怨說,羅布納的獎賽是在鼓勵科學家采用糊弄人的把戲來偽造人類行為,而不是采用“真正的“人工智能。

8th joint symp . computational linguistics , nanjing , 2005 , pp . 217 - 220 . 54 wang j b , du c l , wang k z . study of automatic abstraction system based on natural language understanding 國內研究者探索了基于實例無指導學習方法互信息計算詞匯向量空間基于依存分析與貝葉斯分類模型結合等各種方法。

Kurohashi , s . and m . nagao . 1994 . a syntactic analysis method of long japanese sentences based on the detection of conjunctive structures . computational linguistics 20 , 4 : 507 - 34 北京大學計算語言學研究所的葉嘉明和溫珍珊同學幫助實現了這部分程序,并提出了許多很好的建議,在此表示謝意

The association for computational linguistics is the international scientific and professional society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation 計算語言協會是國際性科學和專業化團體,為研究包括自然語言和計算問題的人們所設。

The association for computational linguistics is an international scientific and professional society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation 計算語言學學會:此國際性科學與專業學會協助人們處理牽涉到自然語言及運算的問題。

The association for computational linguistics is the international scientific and professional society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation 計算機語言學會為國際性科學專業團體,由涉及自然語言與計算機問題的研究者組成。

The institute of computational linguistics , peking university has completed the basic processing of a contemporary chinese corpus that has 27 million chinese characters 摘要北京大學計算語言學研究所已經完成了一個有2700萬漢字的現代漢語語料庫的基本加工。

Computational linguistics : is a branch of applied linguistics , dealing with computer processing of human language 計算機語言學:是應用語言學的一個分支,用計算機研究人類語言。